
Valheim workbench guide: How to build, upgrade, and use for repairs

Valheim Source: Iron Gate Studio

The workbench is arguably the nearly important thing you can brand in the Norse survival game Valheim. Not only do you need it to build bases and homes, only repairing many tools, weapons, and armors requires a workbench as well. Upgrading your workbench is important, likewise, every bit doing so allows you to repair more avant-garde pieces of gear. Here's an in-depth guide on how you can build and upgrade workbenches, likewise as how to use them to repair your items.

Valheim workbench guide: How to build a workbench

Valheim Source: Windows Key

Edifice a workbench is surprisingly elementary. To create it, you lot'll need the post-obit items:

  • Hammer (3x Wood, 2x Stone)
  • 10x Woods

In one case you have the necessary supplies, right-click with your hammer equipped to open the build bill of fare and select the workbench. Then, simply notice a flat surface to build it on. You're non done only yet, though — once your workbench is completed, you'll demand to build a minor shelter around it to really utilize it. This is because workbenches need to be protected with walls and a roof around it before they can exist used. Therefore, make sure to shelter your workbench before you lot try to upgrade it.

Valheim workbench guide: How to upgrade a workbench

Valheim Source: Iron Gate Studio

Now that yous've congenital a workbench and have made sure that it's sheltered, you can focus on upgrades. Upgrading your workbench is important since many tools, weapons, and pieces of armor require upgraded workbenches for repairs. To upgrade your workbenches, you'll need to identify the following objects within the workbench's radius:

  • Level 2: Chopping Cake (10x Wood, 10x Flintstone)
  • Level 3: Tanning Rack (10x Forest, 15x Flintstone, 20x Leather Scraps, Deer Hibernate x5)
  • Level 4: Adze (10x Fine Forest, 3x Bronze)
  • Level 5: Tool Shelf (4x Iron, 10x Fine Woods, 4x Obsidian)

Yous won't be able to get the resource for the concluding two upgrade objects for quite a while, but yous can make the first two upgrade objects pretty easily within your first few hours. Walk the edges of bodies of water for like shooting fish in a barrel access to lots of flint, and get hunting for boar and deer to get leather scraps and deer hide (bank check out my detailed hunting guide for tips on that front).

Valheim workbench guide: How to repair items

Valheim Source: Windows Primal

Information technology'south not immediately articulate how to repair your items at the workbench, but as it turns out, doing then is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel. All you lot take to do is walk upward to your workbench, use it to bring up its menu, and then await for the flashing hammer icon on the right side of your screen (every bit seen in the image to a higher place). Clicking this icon will repair a damaged tool, weapon, or armor piece in your inventory, and you can press it repeatedly until every damaged particular is fixed upwards. Once the icon is grayed out, you're good to become.

Something important to notation is that repairing your items doesn't take any resources at all. Therefore, repair at every opportunity you get so that your gear is e'er at full status. You'd be surprised how apace some tools (such every bit the pickaxe) can get worn downwards, so don't neglect your repairs!


Do y'all have any additional questions almost building and upgrading workbenches or using them for repairs? If and then, drop them below, and I'll exist happy to help you out. Also, if yous're looking for some more than thorough guidance on the basics of Valheim every bit a whole, bank check out our Valheim beginner's guide.

Valheim is bachelor now in Early Access for $20 on Steam. If you haven't checked it out even so, I highly recommend that you do. Information technology'due south one of the best survival games for PC out there at the moment, so you shouldn't miss out on the fun.

Survive and thrive

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Norse-themed survival FTW

Valheim is a challenging yet entertaining survival game ready in a earth heavily inspired by Norse mythology. Build, craft, scavenge, and hunt your manner to success.


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