
Outriders crafting guide: How to upgrade gear, get mods, and more

Outriders Source: Square Enix

While finding new pieces of gear by killing enemies and completing quests is the chief way to get useful loot in Outriders, you tin enhance what you find with crafting. With the right resources, you tin upgrade your gear so that it's more than effective or add mods that alter how your gear performs in battle. Here's a full breakdown of everything you need to know almost Outriders' crafting system, including how to get resources, get and swap mods, and more.

Quick menu

  • All crafting resources
  • Leveling prepare
  • Improving gear rarity
  • Raising gear attributes
  • Modding gear
  • Swapping weapon variants

Welcome to Enoch

Outriders Box Art


Go ready for lootin' and shootin'

Outriders is an activeness-packed looter shooter filled with awesome powers, deadly enemies, and a satisfying, intense grind that fans of the genre volition dear.

Outriders crafting guide: All crafting resource

Outriders Armor Source: Square Enix

Earlier you go crafting, you lot'll need to build up some important resources. You'll naturally accrue them equally you play the game, just it'south of import to understand what causes each resource to drop since you tin can use that information to farm for specific supplies. Hither's a list of all of the different crafting resources in Outriders, as well as how to go them:

  • Leather: Obtained by killing hostile creatures in the world or by dismantling armor.
  • Iron: Obtained by harvesting ore veins in the world or by dismantling weapons.
  • Titanium: Obtained rarely from ore veins or defeated enemies. It tin can also be caused by dismantling Ballsy or Legendary pieces of gear. The vendor Bailey also sells it for Fleck (check out our guide on how to go Outriders flake fast).
  • Anomaly Shards: Obtained past dismantling pieces of gear that accept a listed attribute and used to heighten attributes of previously-owned gear. The amount of Shards you go is proportionate to how high the item'south attribute stats are. On items with multiple attributes, a shard icon indicates which attribute yous'll go Anomaly Shards for (more than on the Anomaly Shard system afterwards).

Outriders crafting guide: Leveling gear up

Outriders Source: Windows Fundamental

The simplest way to engage with crafting in Outriders is to level a slice of set. This improves the gear's base of operations stats — firepower for weapons, armor rating for armor — and rerolls the value of its attributes. For example, if you have a weapon that steals health from enemies on a hitting, leveling the weapon upwards volition also improve the attribute's effectiveness.

Leveling upward weapons requires Iron, while leveling up pieces of armor requires Leather. Gear of Epic or Legendary rarity requires Titanium to level up.

Outriders crafting guide: Improving gear rarity

Outriders Source: Outriders Wiki

You can likewise upgrade the rarity of a piece of gear. For example, yous tin make a Rare piece of gear into Epic loot. Like leveling up, this improves the gear's base of operations stats, but it will likewise add a modernistic slot to the weapon or armor piece. Notwithstanding, information technology's worth noting that yous can only improve rarity on Unusual or Rare pieces of gear; Epic and Legendary gear tin't be improved.

Similar leveling up, improving the rarity of weapons requires Fe, while doing it for armor requires Leather. Rare pieces of gear crave Titanium to make Epic.

Outriders crafting guide: Raising gear attributes

Outriders Source: Windows Fundamental

While leveling gear up gives its attributes a decent heave, y'all can improve them much more by specifically raising the attributes using Anomaly Shards. This special resources simply drops from dismantling gear that has listed attributes. All the same, Shards gained from a sure attribute tin can only be used on pieces of gear that also have that aspect. For example, the Shards you lot get from dismantling an armor slice with a Max Health attribute can only exist used on gear with the Max Health aspect.

Yous tin meliorate each attribute on a piece of gear half-dozen times. If you've maxed out your aspect upgrades, leveling the fix a level will allow you to raise its attributes i more fourth dimension. Raising attributes merely costs Bibelot Shards. Notably, dismantling gear you've invested Shards into will give you a partial corporeality of them back.

Outriders crafting guide: Modding gear

Outriders Source: Windows Central

One of the best ways to enhance your gear in Outriders is through modding. There are tons of different mods in the game, and each has a unique result. When y'all find weapons or armor pieces with mods attached and and so dismantle them, they'll be permanently added to your mod collection. Yous tin can and so add together these mods to other gear from your crafting menu. Notably, the only types of gear you can add mods to are those that have Rare rarity or higher.

Rare pieces of gear have one mod slot, while Epic and Legendary ones take two. Calculation mods to weapons costs a bit of Iron while adding mods to armor costs Leather. You also have the pick of swapping i mod for another, just if you're doing this with Ballsy or Legendary gear, don't make this decision without making absolutely sure it's what yous want to do. This is because changing the mods in i slot volition permanently lock the other mod slot, which could stop upwards being detrimental to your build if the modern locked in does non fit your playstyle.

Outriders crafting guide: Swapping weapon variants

Outriders Source: Outriders Wiki

The final matter you lot can practice with Outriders' crafting system is swap the variant of the weapon yous're using to a unlike ane. This generally means making it and then that a weapon shoots differently or uses a different type of ammo with unique effects. Swapping weapon variants only costs a bit of Iron, so nosotros recommend experimenting ofttimes and going with what feels best for your playstyle.

It's also a good thought to endeavor and pick a variant that works well with your mods. For example, if y'all have a mod that gives you bonuses each time you hitting an enemy, picking a variant like Full Machine that allows you to lay down a ton of burn will be a good pick.

Any questions?

Exercise you take whatsoever questions about how crafting works in Outriders that we didn't cover here? Let u.s. know in the comments. Outriders is available now for $60 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC. You can as well play Outriders if you lot're subscribed to Xbox Game Laissez passer. It'due south arguably 1 of the best looter shooters for Xbox right now, so you should grab the game if you enjoy the genre. If you lot're a new player, make sure to bank check out our Outriders beginners guide for battling across Enoch as well as our Outriders classes guide for important tips, tricks, and info.

Welcome to Enoch

Outriders Box Art


Go ready for lootin' and shootin'

Outriders is an action-packed looter shooter filled with awesome powers, deadly enemies, and a satisfying, intense grind that fans of the genre will love.

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