
What Is More Real Looking Hetnai Or Anime

I've seen this smug face up of Saki from Zombieland Saga a lot in r/animemes and it but sturred upwardly my hate for this visual trick anime uses a lot. The eye being visible through pilus (or other things like the frame of spectacles) that actually should cover information technology.

r/anime - Ranting about an anime character design trend. Zombieland Saga, Re:Zero, JoJo and Batman

Sakis mildly infuriating left eye

Obvious reason why somebody similar me would hate this is of course it's unrealistic portrayal. I should non exist able to come across this eye merely I exercise. Just a look at this character design challanges my suspension of disbelief.

Simply I think I get why they did that. Our eyes are the most expressive part of our torso and in animation you can exaggerate this experssivness even more to become some awesome facial expression or animation. Comedies like Konosuba or Nisekoi use overly exaggerated expressions to awesome upshot and and so does Zombieland saga. And so information technology makes sense to brand the eyes of the characters every bit visible as possible. Perfectly justified, right?

No it's fucking not. If you're goal in animation is to make awesome facial expressions through the eyes then the character should have NOTHING in forepart of his eyes. If you design a character with strands of pilus that cover an eye, the nearly expressive role of the body, it means that this characters hides something from the audience and/or the others characters in the story. It adds mystery and a more sinister tone to the character. Zombieland Saga is a comedy, so that doesn't fit in at all. But then they fifty-fifty make the center visible through the strands of hair which destroys the whole goddamn point why character designers embrace eyes. The mystery is gone and the strand of pilus is just there for shits & giggles. On superlative of that, everytime I see this character pattern I have to question why I come across this fucking eye through the pilus and it triggers the pause of disbelief thing. All you lot had to do to was to not embrace her eye and all my problems with this design would be gone. But no, you gotta have "style" and so information technology "looks cool".

What makes me even more furious is that fifty-fifty though the strands of pilus that cover the eye don't fit in one-act series, they could have used it to make their work effecient. Optics are one of the near time consuming things to make during animation. Merely look at the moving-picture show above. The Iris of her correct eye starts from the bottom with a white color, fades into orange and then into a light brown. And then comes a hard cutting to a deep brown arc over her pupil. Afterward the brown arc there comes again an orange color which fades into white. On acme of that the eyelids cast shadows and in that location are reflection of lights srpinkled all over the place. And if it wasn't already bad enough the eye fifty-fifty moves. Past covering up the center they wouldn't accept to invest time to draw the center. They even so decided to make both eyes visible tho, because fuck effeciency. Hentai productions use this trick all the time. Nobody cares virtually the male MC in hentai and then they simply give him long hair to comprehend both his eyes and at present it'due south easier and faster to draw him.

A skillful instance for the utilise of the pilus strands would be Rem from Re:Zero. Sometimes her eyes also visible through her pilus only it makes sense since her hidden darkside was revealed and resolved making her a more than trustworthy character. Her design reflects this by showing both of her eyes more often. In her "redeeming" scene the wind even blows abroad her strands of pilus to total on show her eyes in a realistic and climactic way.

Rem opens upwards and then does her right center

And a good example of hiding eyes for the sake of more effecient work (exterior of hentai) would be JoJo in anime or super hero masks in comics/cartoons. Spidermans, Deadpools and Batmans masks make their eyes completely white, so they are just a white shape. These white shapes can still express emotion while non having to breathing the Iris, educatee and low-cal reflections of the center. JoJo uses shadows covering the eyes during specefic scenes where the shadows either make the character more intimidating or add to the weirdness of the scene.

Batman'southward iconic optics

r/anime - Ranting about an anime character design trend. Zombieland Saga, Re:Zero, JoJo and Batman

JoJo characters drink ice tea ominously

Clarification stuff:

  • I didn't run across the whole serial of Zombieland Saga. I saw some clips of youtube similar the rap battle and the rope swing scene

  • I don't disslike Zombieland saga, just this character pattern which Zombieland saga besides uses.

  • From what I have seen Zombieland saga seems to be a good show

  • Yeah, I care well-nigh this stuff a lot and think about it alot

If you got something to add then put it in the comments and discuss.

Thanks for reading and taking part in my hate.


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